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10 Water Heater Repairs You May Need Before The End of the Year

10 Water Heater Repairs You May Need Before The End of the Year


It’s probably safe to believe that most homeowners have had at least one experience with a broken water heater. It may be the result of a plumbing failure somewhere else in the house. But if your home is without hot water for any length of time, you need to address the issue immediately.

Meanwhile, here are some tips on what may be wrong with the equipment and how to fix such issues. When you notice any alarming signs, call a 24-hour plumber immediately.

Hot Water Heater Problems Checklist

Water Leaks From Beneath the Tank or Around Its Fittings

This is likely due to corrosion or rust around bolts and a dip in the tank. The drip pan placed under the water heater may be overflowing with water, and there is probably no heating going on inside. You’ll need to drain off excess water and tighten all fittings for a quick fix.

Tank Won’t Turn On

This can be due to various reasons: (1) the unit not receiving power; (2) there is no gas supply; or (3) the thermostat has been turned down too low, causing it to go into protection mode. Check the circuit breaker panel and make sure that everything is in order before calling your local professional to figure out the issue.

Hot Water Runs Out Much Faster Than Usual

If you’ve noticed that the water is warming up slower than usual, you need to check for two things. First, make sure that sediment isn’t built up inside the tank. You can get rid of this easily by using a garden hose to flush out your heater three times over a week or so.

Another thing to look at is an imbalance between hot and cold water lines leading into the machine. Check these lines with a T-bar to see which one has less volume of water moving through it.

Water Leaks from Crawl Spaces

If you’re keeping your homeowner’s insurance current, you shouldn’t have any problems with major floods damaging everything in its path, especially if you’ve installed insulation on top of it. The only time that might change is if the leak occurs somewhere that you cannot see.

So, consider checking your crawl spaces now and then because this can indicate corrosion or rust inside the location where pipes are housed.

Loss of Pressure

You’ll want to have a 24-hour plumber come by for an inspection if there seems to be a significant drop in water pressure. The issue may lie with corroded piping, especially around threaded joints. Compared to leaks which can be easily patched up, replacing specific plumbing components requires professional installation.


6 Tips for Water Heaters Repairs Given By Professionals

A pro has the tools and training to solve your water heater problems in no time. Here is some of the work that they can do for you:

Any rust or debris buildup on water lines or any other part leading into the unit can actually cause more damage down the line.

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