Choice In Among Different Brands Thermostats for Utility Savings 

Choice In Among Different Brands Thermostats for Utility Savings 

It’s definitely summer in Lakeway, Texas. It’s time to turn off the furnace and start the air conditioner. This is a great opportunity to increase the energy efficiency of our homes and reduce our utility bills. The NEST Smart Thermostat is a key tool to achieve this goal. A smart thermostat allows for greater temperature control and …

Home Improvement Checklist for The Holiday Season 2020

Home Improvement Checklist for The Holiday Season 2020

The holiday season is upon us and we all know what that means, a time for all the friends and families to come together and enjoy the Christmas and New Years festivities. This time of the year is filled with a lot of surprises and anticipation, but it can also get overwhelming if your house …