You might think it impossible to get your kids interested in cleaning, let alone have them
actually help you keep your home clean, but with these fun tips, you might be surprised at the
Start Them Off At A Young Age:
Toddlers typically love to copy whatever their parents or caregivers are doing, and when they see
you vacuuming or dusting, they invariably want to mimic you. Now, while they may not always
be able to copy you to the point where they’re helping you to clean, you should at least
encourage their interest in it, and reward them amply for their efforts (even if you might need to
clean up after them!).
Give Them Clear, Simple Tasks To Carry Out:
It’s better that your child performs one cleaning task at a time, and focus on doing it properly,
than bombarding them with a long list of chores you expect them to complete. Be mindful of
how you describe each task too, for example, if you ask a young child to clean their room, they
might not know exactly what that should entail. Give them short, clear instructions, such as to
put their toys in the box, pick their clothes up off the floor or dust the furniture.
Dance While You Dust!
Combine the need for your child to get some exercise, with the need to keep a clean home, and
get them dancing while they dust! One great way of turning a house cleaning chore into a fun
one, is to play a song that you know they love, and tell them to get their cleaning done before it
ends, and by dancing along at the same time.
Give Toys Color Codes:
Games can make any cleaning task more fun for a child, and if your child’s bedroom is strewn
with toys, try asking them to identify a color and then telling them to place every toy of that
color, into the box or storage area that it came out of. If your kids are very young, then this can
help them to learn their colors, too; education and cleaning, a winning combination for any
Invent A Cleaning Competition:
If you have more than one child in your household, pit them against each other (in the spirit of
fun, of course!), and ask them to compete to clean their rooms the quickest. Whoever wins, gets
a small reward.
Be Appreciative:
Provided your child is trying to help you with the cleaning, then even if their efforts are less than
great, show them your appreciation anyway. If they don’t think they’re helping you (even if
they’re really not!), they’ll be less inclined to volunteer to help you again, or will give less than
their best effort when assigned a task in the future.
Tried all of these methods and your kids still won’t help you clean up around the home?
Help is at hand in the form of a professional cleaning company; simply call them up,
schedule a session, and hey presto, your home is spotlessly clean!